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An appreciation for art begins with information. Arts organizations around Canada are producing hundreds of hours of audio and video education with artists in their communities and beyond. This information is currently spread across myriad platforms, that profit from the public's search to discover it. Cube will aggregate the educational content of museums, artist run centres and galleries across Turtle Island - Canada making it easier for teachers, students and wider audiences to find accessible content for learning and entertainment. That platform will also provide access to virtual exhibition and event space to artists and arts organizations big and small, and assist collaboration and collective resource development online. Cube is currently in-development, re-thinking how public organizations interact, reward and engage with their publics in transparent ways. 


On Cube the public can read online publications, download activity booklets and watch or listen to workshops, panel discussions, tours, performances and other form of recorded teachings by artists and arts organizations from across Turtle Island - Canada.

The public can also direct-message organizations about content they would like to see, and will receive benefits for sharing and engaging with media.

Cube Commons is an aggregator, that makes it possible to find all the educational materials produced about a single Canadian artist, local art form or cultural movement. Teachers and students can create 'playlists' for learning and reflecting. 

On the backend we support content collaboration between organizations, by making it easy to share equipment,'s a long list.

Cube will never sell your data. Cube is co-owned by the organizations/content creators who use it. Its mission is to make educational content about artists, makers and cultural practices on these lands and waters, free, accessible and easy to discover.

Cube is not an NFT marketplace.
However, we are financially supporting NFT collaborations between artists and arts organizations that will be sold through a partner platform. These NFT's are a part of our ecosystem which is designed to help keep the platform free, as well as provide other forms of passive income to artists and arts organizations. 

For generations museums and galleries have commissioned artists to make limited edition works to sell as part of their fundraising. Traditionally artists donate these works or receive a modest one time fee. We aim to change the dynamics of this relationship by splitting income from the sale & re-sale of NFT's, using the magic of blockchain, between the artist and organization. By working with organizations to do this we also help make them an avenue, for the generations of Canadian artists they work with, to explore this new domain of art collecting.


This project was made possible and continues to grow from the wisdom, knowledges, insights, and dreams of art-workers and organizations:

Artengine, Burnaby Art Gallery, Centre A, Contemporary Art Gallery, Cinevolution Media Arts Society, Museum of Anthropology UBC,

Museum of Vancouver, New Media Gallery, Richmond Art Gallery,

SFU Galleries, Trinity Square Video, 221A 

Emily Dundas Oke, Mike St Jean, Quentin VerCetty,

Stephanie Bokenfohr

Also a big thank you to consultants:

Amy Amantea, Carmen Papalia & Sage Lovell   

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